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Why Hire a Professional?

Why Hire A Professional?

It’s a fact that about 35% of all Church sound systems are installed by people who are not sound system professionals. Many of our installations are replacing systems that were installed by a relative or friend of a church member. While these people are well intentioned, there are several reasons not to use them for your church system installation. Here are a few.

Liability-Sound Services carries 2 million dollars of liability insurance. What happens when the non-professional drops a speaker through your grand piano, falls through a ceiling or breaks a water pipe causing damage to your carpet and furniture. These things actually happened to people we know. The professional has insurance to cover this. With a non-professional you are stuck with the bill.

Warranty-Sound Services warranties their installation and all the equipment for a year. That means if an amplifier fails, a wireless mic picks up a radio station or a plate pulls out of the floor we will repair it at no cost to you. Good luck getting a non-professional to make a return service call.

Quality of finished product-Most non-professionals have limited experience. They may run sound in a band or work in a recording studio. Their experience is narrowly limited . Sound Services has serviced and installed hundreds of church systems and has a broad background of experience. We know what type of equipment works best in different situations. Something as simple as correct microphone selection can make or break the performance of a sound system.

Long-term service-Sound Services will be in business for many years to service your sound system needs. Where will the non-professional be when you need him?

Purchasing a Church sound system is a big investment. One that you should only have to make once. Is it worth the risk to the relationship between you and your church, friends and family to hire a non-professional. We don’t think so. Hire a professional to do a professional job.

In Christ,

Tom Howle

Sound Services

Sound Services

4401 4th Avenue South

Birmingham AL 35222


Church Sound Systems