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Sound Services is your source for Smart AVI and Applica products. Smart AVI provides methods for extending all types of video, infrared, audio and data over cat 5 cable. They also have video wall and many other video and data products. Aplica specializes in digital signage. Listed here is just a sample of the product line. For the complete listing and detailed information visit and  Call or e-mail Sound Services to place an order.

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SCX-500 Broadcast Video and Audio to 16 devices $499.00
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Expander Card-Expand Desktop to 4 screens $1699.00
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Digital Signage Solution $899.00
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SLX-200 Extend Video, Audio, IR, RS232 and power. $425.00
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Stretcher Spread Computer Screen to 4 monitors $3200.00
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USB-100 Extend USB $295.00
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AR100 Extend RS 232 and Stereo $249.00
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IR-100 Extend IR over Cat 5 $299.00
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SLX-100 Extend UXGA and other video, audio and power. $325.00
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VCAT Extend XVGA, VGA, XGA, Sun, MAC & SGI over cat5 $279.00
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SLI100 Extend Composite Video, Stereo, IR and Power over Cat5 $249.00
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SMARTNET-X Route 16 Images to 64 monitors $5999.00 to $15999.00
For questions regarding these products and thier operation please visit and Call or e-mail Sound Services to place orders.

Sound Services